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Syria News: Annan calls on Syria to prove its intention to resolve the crisis peacefully

Syria News

The international mediator Kofi Annan said Monday on his arrival in Damascus that the Syrian government must take bold steps to demonstrate their intention to resolve the crisis peacefully.

It has also announced its intention to maintain "serious and frank discussions" with Syrian President Bashar al Assad, who will meet tomorrow in Damascus, as defined by the Syrian Foreign Ministry.

Kofi Annan won the April 12 entry into force of a cease-fire in Syria, in spite of which have since killed hundreds of people because of violence.

Annan has also been "appalled" by the killing of Hula. The arrival of international mediator to Syria comes a day after the Security Council of the UN condemn the bombing perpetrated last Friday by the Syrian regime forces on the village of Hula (west), which killed at least 108 people, including many children.

Syria News

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